Twin Elm Training, LLC

Lesson Prices

One-Hour Private Lessons:

Once Weekly-----------$230/mo.

One-Hour Semi-Private Lessons:

Once Weekly-----------$220/mo.

One-Hour Group Lessons:

Once Weekly-----------$200/mo.

Thirty-Minute Private Lessons:

Once Weekly-----------$200/mo.

Once weekly equals 4 lessons a month. Fees are adjusted if during some months there happens to be 5 lesson days in that month. 

Pay as you ride lesson prices:

Any One-Hour Lesson --------------------$65.

​Any Semi-Private  Lesson----------------$60.

Any Group/Thirty min Lesson--------$55.

Runt Rider Lesson----------------------$40.

Lesson fees are due on the 20th of the month prior.

For example, lesson fees for April are due by March 20th.


Twin Elm Training offers the Runt Rider program for children too young for lessons. During their half-hour visit, your youngster will ride a horse or pony led by a staff member. Some pre-schoolers want to comb the horse’s hair, help to saddle it, or lead it out for a bit of grass. More than one child can share the half hour.  Ages 4 - 6 years.

$30 per visit

Riding lesson program

 Show Riders

Show riders can  be junior riders or more advanced riders that demonstrate an interest in learning to compete in horse shows.  There are various levels of competitions available to participate in.  One such program is the Michigan Academy Program (MAP) which hosts shows designed for the novice show rider.  These shows are held during the winter months and allow students to compete on school horses with riders from other local lesson programs.  We also host an in-house fun show every spring and fall.  Summer-time brings many opportunities to compete at local 4-H or open shows or if you desire to take a bigger step we also compete at regional and national level Class A Morgan shows.   Typically Show riders take semi-private or group lessons as their skills allow.

Junior Riders

Junior riders typically enjoy one hour weekly private lessons in the beginning and then advance to semi-private or group lessons as their skills progress.  The rider learns to handle the horse on the ground, groom, saddle/bridle and ride bareback, English and Western.  Riders earn ribbons and certificates as they are exposed to the various aspects of riding and caring for horses.   Riders stay in the program for as long as they are enjoying themselves or advance to the Show Rider program.